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ACE Weekly Update -- April 16th, 2018

What's Coming Up: Week of April 16th-20th


  • College classes end on April 30th but Adult Education & certification classes continue until late May.

  • Now is the time to start preparing for finals! We want to help you finish strong!! Please talk with your coach about how to prepare for your final exams in the most effective and least stressful way possible!


HiSET Graduation!

HiSET Graduation is on May 25th! Any Delgado Adult Education student who has passed his/her HiSET test by May is invited to walk in graduation and participate in the cap and gown ceremony. Please speak with your coach or contact our office directly (504-671-5434) to RSVP.


Awesome Event of the Week: TOMORROW!

The Single Stop office is pleased to invite you to a Mental Health workshop series. The goal of the workshops is to raise awareness, reduce stigma, provide resources and share knowledge on Mental Health. See flyer below.

What is Single Stop?

Delgado Community College has partnered with Single Stop USA, a non-profit organization, to create a "One Stop Shop" for students to get connected to resources that will help keep them in school. The idea is to have a place where students can go to get screened for multiple government benefits and local community resources, receive assistance in accessing those benefits, and follow-up to see if they have in fact received the benefits they are eligible for. Single Stop staff use a specially designed technology known as BEN (Benefits Enrollment Network) to do rapid screenings for benefits, and then assist students in applying for those benefits. All Single Stop services are FREE for Delgado students and their families.

Click here to learn more about the services Single Stop offers.


What would you like to see on our website?

We're currently adding new sections to the Student Support website ( We'd like you to tell us what you think we should include! Email us at to let us know. Want to build your reading comprehension and vocabulary skills while reading articles about the topics that most interest you?


Remember to sign up for Delgado Alerts to receive notification of unplanned campus closures!

Shout Outs are here! Has someone done something awesome this week? Want to share it with the world? You can! To submit a shout out for someone in the program, click HERE. Each week, we will post the Shout Outs that students and faculty submit in the ACE Weekly Update.


Delgado Adult Education Student Support

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New Orleans, Orleans Parish 70119

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