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Study Better

I want to study on my own ONLINE.

Below you'll find a list of some of our favorite websites for online studying. Whether you're studying for your HiSET exam or college placement tests or trying to improve your English skills or reading speed, we've got something for you!

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Khan Academy

Originally famous for it's simple videos and personalized playlists of interactive exercises for all levels of math, this site now features videos on everything from human anatomy to world history to computer coding. Just create an account and click on "Subjects" to choose what to work on. The Algebra I course is a great math starting point for students preparing for the HiSET and college placement tests.  The courses on Biology, US History, World History, and Economics are excellent for HiSET prep.  Don't miss this one!



Read what you want to read, at a level that's comfortable for you!  This site allows you to news articles from national and international newspapers at whatever reading level is most appropriate for you. Just click on an article that interests you and then use the buttons on the right hand side (eg. 1240L, 870L, 540L) to adjust the "Lexile level" to fit you. Then use the quiz button to test what you learned.

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Read Theory

Read Theory is a reading site that helps with reading comprehension skills. Create an account and it will assess each answer, give you the reason it is correct and give you a harder piece next time

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Crash Course

Want to know more, fast? Crash Course has quick courses on topics like Biology, Anatomy, Government, U.S. History, Psychology, and Literature.  Each course is made up of lots of short videos (about ten minutes) so you can focus in on exactly what you want to know.

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TABE Language Workbook

This workbook offers grammar practice.  Use the table of contents to choose skills to work on.  The answers are at the back.



Duolingo is an incredible tool for learning another language.  Whether you're a brand new beginner or want to work on advanced skills, Duolingo will help you do it!  Best of all, you can use it on a computer, phone, or any mobile device (just download the free app).  To try it, click on the button below, then click on "Get Started."  At the top of the page, select your native language (or another language you're fluent in) and then, in the "I want to learn..." section, select the language you want to learn.  Set your language goal, create your account, and you're ready to start learning!

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Busuu is a language-learning tool available as an app or a website. It has both free and premium (paid) versions.  The premium version offers extra features like an offline-mode for practicing when you're not online, practice with native speakers, and tests to earn a certification of your language level.  The premium version costs $5.41 to $8.33 per month; you can save money by paying for more months up front.

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This is your News Article. Add a full article, a blog post, or a memo with an exciting update regarding your school. Choose a great image or photo to feature in your post or add a video for extra engagement! Keep it interesting and relevant so that your readers read it through till the very end.

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Ted Talks

Want to improve your English listening and pronunciation skills? Or just want to learn more about world issues?  Try watching TED Talks. TED Talks are short presentations -- usually 10-15 minutes long -- where experts explain some of the most interesting and important issues of our modern world.  You can watch talks from scientists, inventors, journalists, educators, and so many others.  All the videos offer subtitles and transcripts in English, and many have been translated to other languages too.  Consider watching a video with subtitles in your native language, then watching with subtitles in English, and then using the transcript to practice imitating the presenter.  If you click on a phrase in the transcript, you'll hear the presenter say it!  Just one note: these presenters come from all over the world, so some of them will have different accents.



Want to improve your English language skills? This site combines cool videos with captions so that you can read along, fill in the missing words, etc. It's especially good for ESL students, but could help anyone improve grammar, spelling, and listening comprehension.


Breaking News English

This site uses news articles to help you build your reading, listening, and grammar skills. Looking to increase your reading speed? Visit the "Speed Reading" section of the site and select an article to read. It will scroll by, prompting you to read faster to keep up. Then it will prompt you to try a faster speed.

Want to test your listening and writing skills? The site also offers "5 Speed Listening" and "Dictation" practice.



This site is all about increasing your reading speed. Just find something online that you'd like to read, select the text (Ctrl+A), copy it (Ctrl+C), and paste it (Ctrl+V) into the Spreeder page. Click "Spreed!" and then click the play button. Under settings, you can adjust how many words it shows you at a time ("chunk size") and how fast it plays.

The app is free, but they also offer paid services.


Speed Reading Apps

Like Spreeder (described above), apps like Acceleread and Speed Read are designed to help you become a faster reader. Unlike Spreeder, these apps don't let you choose what to read; you just read text that comes with the apps. Find these in the App Store.

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Open Learn

"The home of free learning from the UK's largest university, The Open University". According to their site, they have 800 free courses on a wide range of topics.

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