ACE Weekly Update -- March 20th, 2018
What's Coming Up: Week of March 19th-23rd
Adult Education TABE post-testing was yesterday and today. If you completed at least one adult education class (AKA if you didn't get dropped from all your adult education classes), you should be post-testing.
If you were due to take a test and missed it, you won't be eligible to schedule tomorrow. Instead, you'll need to come test on March 26th.
If you tested (or if you weren't due to test), you can make your new adult education schedule tomorrow (Wednesday) at your usual class time.
New adult education classes begin on April 2nd (MW classes) or April 3rd (TR classes).
Just In Case....

No one likes to think about dropping a class, but sometimes it's the right choice. If you have a grade lower than a C in a class or if you don't think you can complete a class, we encourage you to seek advice from your coach and your instructor as soon as possible.
We encourage you to ask your instructor whether, based on the grades you've earned so far, it's possible for you to still earn a C or better in the class. If they say that it is, we encourage you to confirm with them exactly what you'd need to do to make that happen. If they say it's not possible, or if what they say you'd need to do doesn't seem doable to you, we'd recommend withdrawing from the course so that you would receive a "W" instead of a letter grade. This can be a tough choice, but your coach and you instructors are here for you.
The deadline to withdraw from a Spring semester course is Tuesday, April 3rd at 6PM. Some students are not able to withdraw online, so if you're planning to withdraw, we encourage you to do so ahead of the deadline, and speak to your coach before making a final decision.
What would you like to see on our website?
We're currently adding new sections to the Student Support website ( We'd like you to tell us what you think we should include! Email us at to let us know. Want to build your reading comprehension and vocabulary skills while reading articles about the topics that most interest you?
Remember to sign up for Delgado Alerts to receive notification of unplanned campus closures!

Shout Outs are here! Has someone done something awesome this week? Want to share it with the world? You can! To submit a shout out for someone in the program, click HERE. Each week, we will post the Shout Outs that students and faculty submit in the ACE Weekly Update.