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ACE Weekly Update -- May 9th, 2017

What's Happening This Week: May 8th-12th

  • REMINDER: ACE Summer Orientation is tomorrow, Wednesday, May 10th. At orientation, all new and continuing students come together to prepare for the new semester, build their skills, and get to know each other. Orientation is mandatory for all ACE students who plan to participate during Summer 2017. Please complete this RSVP form to let us know whether or not you will be participating. We look forward to seeing folks tomorrow!

  • Exit exam results are in. To review your results and plan next steps, please set an appointment with Josh through our website. Appointments are available on Fridays.

  • On the site (, click on "Book Online"

  • Click on "ACE Support Services"

  • Click on "ACE Exit Exam Review"

  • Click on a date to see the times available on that date. When you find a time that works for you, click "Book It" and fill in the form with your contact info.

  • You should immediately receive an email confirming your appointment. Make sure to write it down!

  • Adult Education is currently accepting new students! Do you know someone who wants to start College & Career Readiness (HiSET), ESL, or certification classes? Know someone who wants to apply to ACE for Fall? If they complete registration by noon on Friday, May 12th, they can start CCR, ESL, or certification classes at the end of May. Please note: Registration is only for brand new students. If a student has registered with Adult Education before and wants to return after taking a break from school, they only need to call our office at 671-5434.

  • Register online at

  • OR register in person in Bldg 7 Room 170 on Friday, May 12th, 8AM-Noon.


Register now for HiSET Graduation!

Did you know that we do a cap-and-gown graduation ceremony each June for all the students who've passed their HiSET during this school year? There's still time to get on the graduation list! Anyone who passes all sections of the HiSET by the end of May is eligible to walk in graduation. Talk to your coach about making a plan!


Remember to sign up for Delgado Alerts to receive notification of unplanned campus closures!

Shout Outs are here! Has someone done something awesome this week? Want to share it with the world? You can! To submit a shout out for someone in the program, click HERE. Each week, we will post the Shout Outs that students and faculty submit in the ACE Weekly Update.

Check our Facebook page to see the most recent Students of the Week! Want to be student of the week? Keep showing up for classes and coaching and following through on the next steps you set, and you'll be in the running!


Delgado Adult Education Student Support

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New Orleans, Orleans Parish 70119

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