ACE Weekly Update -- Feb. 24th, 2017
What's Happening Next Week: Feb. 27th-March 3rd

Happy Mardi Gras!
The college will be closed until Thurs. 3/2.
Adult education classes will not take place during Mardi Gras week. They will resume on Monday 3/6.
If your weekly coaching appointment is on Thursday or Friday, your coach will probably be expecting you to still come in. Check with your coach to confirm or to make changes.
Exit exams finished this week. We will announce when results are ready. If you were eligible for a test but choose not to take it, you'll still be eligible next time. Likewise, if you attempted a test but didn't pass, it won't count against you, and you'll get to try again.
Remember to sign up for Delgado Alerts to receive notification of unplanned campus closures!

Shout Outs are here! Has someone done something awesome this week? Want to share it with the world? You can! To submit a shout out for someone in the program, click HERE. Each week, we will post the Shout Outs that students and faculty submit in the ACE Weekly Update.

Shout out to anyone who studied to prepare for exit exams!

Check our Facebook page to see the most recent Students of the Week! Want to be student of the week? Keep showing up for classes and coaching and following through on the next steps you set, and you'll be in the running!