ACE Weekly Update -- Feb. 10th, 2017
What's Happening Next Week: Feb. 13th-17th
Exit Exams are Coming!
Exit exam dates have been scheduled! We will offer exit exams on Monday, Feb. 20th (5PM-8:30PM)and Wednesday, Feb. 22nd (9AM-1PM). NOTE: The times were initially listed incorrectly here. Please note these corrected times.
If you have been recommended for an exit exam in the past and you are currently enrolled (with good standing) in two or more adult ed classes, you will be eligible to retake any of those exams. In addition, if you've never been recommended for an exit exam before but are in any of the eligible classes (see here), we'll be contacting your instructors to seek recommendations. Please mark these dates on your calendar and we'll contact you to confirm if you're eligible to test. (You will only need to attend one testing slot, not both.)
It's not too late to study for exit exams. We highly suggest you check out this Exit Exam Guide to learn more about eligibility, what to expect, and how to study!
Our Lead Pathways instructor, Josh Nagel, made some great materials for students preparing for the 092 exam, the first math exit exam. Try this mini-assessment (no calculator!), check yourself using this key & explanation, and use this list of links to study on Khan Academy.
If you have taken a math or writing exit exam in the past and would like to look over it to see your mistakes, please email us at to schedule a time for that. Unfortunately we can't let folks review their reading exit exams.
College Readiness/Exit Exam Practice Question of the Week:
**NOTE: We have not yet received a correct response to the 1st exit exam practice question, so the prize is still available! Submit your answer!**
As you and your coach have discussed, exit exams offer a chance for ACE students to test out of developmental classes and show that they're ready to work on the college level. (Click here to learn more about exit exams.) Each week, we'll post a question designed to help you check your own readiness for exit exams! Click here for the first one, designed to test your readiness for the first math exit exam. The first person to submit the right answer through the linked form will win a small prize!
Remember to sign up for Delgado Alerts to receive notification of unplanned campus closures!

Shout Outs are here! Has someone done something awesome this week? Want to share it with the world? You can! To submit a shout out for someone in the program, click HERE. Each week, we will post the Shout Outs that students and faculty submit in the ACE Weekly Update.

We chose the first Students of the Week for Spring 2017! Check our Facebook page to see who they are! Want to be student of the week? Keep showing up for classes and coaching and following through on the next steps you set, and you'll be in the running!