ACE Weekly Update -- Feb. 6th, 2017
What's Happening This Week:
Feb. 6th-10th
Textbook tip: If you haven't already gotten your textbooks, you'll want to do that ASAP. If you need helping making a plan for getting your books, ask your coach. In the meantime, consider the following ways to access a book in the short-term:
Ask your instructor if there's a reserve copy of your textbook in the Delgado library. Reserve books usually can't leave the library, but you can use them on-site.
Make friends with a classmate and ask to copy a few pages out of his or her book.
Find the book at a local library.
Check to see if a sample of the book is available online for preview.
In case you missed it...
You have a website! You can get back here anytime by visiting Please explore it and let us know if you have suggestions!
From now on, we'll write the Weekly Update in this blog on our brand new website! Remember to subscribe here to get the Weekly Update in your email inbox each week.
Coaching is now open to all adult education students! Feel free to tell your non-ACE classmates that they can now book an appointment with a coach by visiting

Congrats to the Scavenger Hunt Champions!
We judge scavenger hunt responses based on completeness and accuracy. Congratulations to these folks for their impressive college knowledge & research skills.
In 1st place: Dionne Hill
2nd place: Shamekia Williams
3rd place: (tie!) Theodore James & Alicia Delfino
Winners, please pick up your prize at your next coaching meeting!
Introducing the College Readiness/Exit Exam Practice Question of the Week:
As you and your coach have discussed, exit exams offer a chance for ACE students to test out of developmental classes and show that they're ready to work on the college level. (Click here to learn more about exit exams.) Each week, we'll post a question designed to help you check your own readiness for exit exams! Click here for the first one, designed to test your readiness for the first math exit exam. The first person to submit the right answer through the linked form will win a small prize!

By now, you've probably picked up your new ACE planner from your coach. It can be a little confusing to figure out what to write where, which pages to use for what, or how to combine paper and digital planners. If you're wondering how to make the best use of your planner, ask your coach for tips!
Remember to sign up for Delgado Alerts to receive notification of unplanned campus closures!

Shout Outs are here! Has someone done something awesome this week? Want to share it with the world? You can! To submit a shout out for someone in the program, click HERE. Each week, we will post the Shout Outs that students and faculty submit in the ACE Weekly Update.

Shout out to Rachanique Malone for setting an impressive study schedule. Time management is key!

We chose the first Students of the Week for Spring 2017! Check our Facebook page to see who they are! Want to be student of the week? Keep showing up for classes and coaching and following through on the next steps you set, and you'll be in the running!