ACE Weekly Update -- Jan. 20th, 2017
What's Happening Next Week:
January 23rd-27th

Students who missed the first two days of adult education classes were dropped to make space for waitlisted students. If you were dropped, please visit the office to ask if you can get back in.
Certification classes (NCCER, IC3, and ServSafe) begin on January 30th. Make sure to get your textbook!
We ordered the new ACE planners and we expect that they'll arrive next week. We'll send out a text when they're ready!
Study hall has begun! Check out the schedule below to see if you can fit some extra study time in your schedule. Practice HiSET tests are also available during study hall -- ask your coach to sign you up!
Weekly Update emails will often include important next steps for you to take! We suggest you make notes to yourself as you read.
College Student Corner:
College Student Corner:
In case you didn't take these steps last week, make sure to finish them ASAP:
As a college student, you have a DCC email address. If you're new to college, you might not know how to access that email account yet. See "New to college?" below.
Next week, ACE will switch to emailing new college students at their DCC email addresses.
Did you know that you can get your college emails on your phone by downloading and setting up the free Outlook app? Try it and ask you're coaching if you need help.
New to college? Make sure to complete the following steps to be on track:
Complete the online freshman orientation here. NOTE: You do NOT need to sign up for a placement test, so please ignore that part.
Click here to learn how to log in to your DCC email and Canvas (the college's learning management system where many of your teachers will post homework, tests, and grades).
If you have any questions about setting up your email or using Canvas, please talk with your coach next week.

By now, you and your coach should have had two meetings. At each meeting, you and your coach will decide together what to discuss and work on, from the Key Proficiencies or from your own goals. Your coach will ask you to decide what next steps you plan to take and how she/he can hold you accountable. Building new habits and tools takes work, so you'll probably have to take some steps during the week on your own.
We highly encourage you to write down your next steps in a planner or save them as reminders in your phone so that you'll remember. You can also write down any questions you'd like to discuss at your next coaching meeting.

Important: Your coach should be your primary contact person for any college or ACE questions. Make sure you know how your coach would like you to contact him/her and how quickly you can expect him/her to respond.
ACE Student Textbook Exchange
Don't have your textbooks yet for the new semester? Want to buy or sell a textbook? We've heard from several ACE students looking to buy or sell textbooks. We'll use this section to post books that ACE students want to resell. If you want to post a book for sale, email with the book's title, author, edition, ISBN, and the class you used it for.
The first book request is from Dionne Hill. She'd like to buy Biology by Raven, publisher MCG, ISBN 9781308795270. If you took Biology 141 and you'd like to sell your book, check to see if you've got this one. You can reach Dionne at
Remember to sign up for Delgado Alerts to receive notification of unplanned campus closures!

Shout Outs are here! Has someone done something awesome this week? Want to share it with the world? You can! To submit a shout out for someone in the program, click HERE. Each week, we will post the Shout Outs that students and faculty submit in the ACE Weekly Update.

Shout out to Christian Shepherd and Theodore James for setting up beautiful digital calendar to keep track of your time! Keep it up. Shout out to Kaley Carter for persevering through a challenge!

Each week, we choose an ACE student who's demonstrated impressive attendance, participation, attitude,. or accomplishments to be the ACE Student of the Week. Due to the MLK holiday, we didn't meet to select a student. Next week we'll announce the first ACE Student of the Week for 2017! Check our Facebook page to see who it is!